4 Tweaks to get over procrastination

Do you procrastinate? Personally I don’t like the word itself much, because to me it has a large amount of guilt attached to it. I prefer to say ‘avoiding things we find hard’. I feel recognising that we find something hard to do shows us that there’s something hidden underneath causing the avoidance. This empowers… Continue reading 4 Tweaks to get over procrastination

5 Kitchen tweaks to avoid gluten cross-contamination (crumbs!)

If you have recently been diagnosed with coeliacs disease, you might feel quite overwhelmed of all the potential hazards there are that could cause you to accidentally digest gluten. With coeliacs disease the diet is strictly no gluten and if you might get contradicting advice to the point of a frustrated meltdown, crumbs do matter.… Continue reading 5 Kitchen tweaks to avoid gluten cross-contamination (crumbs!)

3 Tweaks for improved time management

Do you ever feel that you have more duties and commitments than you have time for? If so, I want to share three things you can try to implement in your life to improve your time management. I work constantly on all of these, and I want you to feel empowered about different things you… Continue reading 3 Tweaks for improved time management

Gluten-free Shrove buns Finnish-Style

Pancake Day is just around the corner. As a day, it was something new to me when I first moved to the UK from Finland, since there we celebrate Shrove Tuesday with shrove buns. They are cardamom flavoured yeasted buns filled with whipped cream and jam or almond paste. You might have heard of or… Continue reading Gluten-free Shrove buns Finnish-Style

3 Things to focus on to feel calmer

Recently, a friend asked me advice on how to avoid getting exhausted or burned out in the juggle that is modern life, where many of us find ourselves doing way more things than is feasible. As I ended up quitting the career I had started a year and a half before due to burning out,… Continue reading 3 Things to focus on to feel calmer

Gluten-free Swiss roll filled with peaches and cream

Welcome to my blog ‘Making lifetweaks’. The goal of my blog is to help you manage your every day with more calm, sense of direction and breathing space, whether you are living your life with coeliacs disease, like me, or not. I wanted to start my blog with something very tangible that you can use… Continue reading Gluten-free Swiss roll filled with peaches and cream